
Children in the 21st century have no choice to be isolated from the digital world as they almost grow up with devices from an early stage. The availability of internet service and digitization expanded the access to children for learning opportunities, even those who belong to the remote area of developing countries. Since internet services have connected people globally, creating many opportunities and adding new challenges to young children, such as cyber bullying, lack of physical exercise, and many others. Despite the numerous advantages of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT), experts worry that children spend most of their time with devices contributing to digital dependency and screen addiction. It has changed the children's way of life, thoughts, and experiences, as these issues are the subject of public debate of overuse of the internet increased the threat to their well-being. One of the significant risks is that children are facing mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and lack of inner peace. Thus, the education system should rethink balancing digital learning and real-world context learning in the 21st-century education system. The present paper discusses how young children are affected by digital dependency and how mindfulness support mitigating these issues by adopting blended learning of technology and mindfulness in the teaching-learning process.

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