
This book is about examination of functional relation between language structure, internal brain regulatory processes and external processes in nature. Book describes the relation of learning, language and cognitive fitness as adaptive biological interrelations of a process called life. Author describes human being's unique advantage of understanding thought process, language and the reality under the shadow of scientific processes. Evolution of language contributes to the search of novelty of thoughts, behaviour, knowledge, problems, solutions, creativity, learning, innovation, trust and belief in the human kind to serve the horizon. Author linked the evolution of human brain with evolution of primitive language which represented primitive information processing and reasoning. Complexity of language is attributed for understanding complexity of nature to reveal its most dynamic aspects enabling the bigger view of perspective. Linkage of Hippocampus and amygdala to segregate and integrate past with future for encoding and archiving the essence of memory, has been described to be correlated and influenced by language. doi : 10.5214/ans.0972.7531.200411

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