
The gut-brain axis has recently emerged as a key modulator of human health and the intestinal microbiome has a well-recognised pivotal role in this strong connection. The aim of this narrative review is to update and summarise the effect and clinical applicability of probiotics in paediatric neurogastroenterology. The Cochrane Database and PubMed were searched using keywords relating to different subtypes of functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) and their symptoms, those relating to the CNS and related neurological or behavioural dysfunction as well as 'probiotic' OR 'probiotics'. Included papers were limited to those including children (aged 0-18 years) and using English language. Although significant effects of specific strains have been reported in infants with FGIDs, heterogeneity amongst the studies (different products and concentrations used and FGID subtypes), has limited the ability to draw an overall conclusion on the clinical value of probiotics. According to different meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials, the use of Lactobacillus reuteri (DSM 17938) was associated with a significant decrease in average crying time in infantile colic. There is moderate evidence for this strain and LGG and limited evidence (based on one study each) for the beneficial effect of VSL#3 and a three-strain bifidobacteria mix in abdominal pain FGIDs, particularly in the irritable bowel disease subgroup of children, but not in functional dyspepsia. There is currently no clear evidence of positive effects of oral probiotics in autistic spectrum disorder. Efficacy and safety of other strains or beneficial effects in other conditions still need to be proven, as probiotic properties are strain-specific, and data cannot be extrapolated to other brain-gut or mood diseases or to other probiotics of the same or different species. To transform the use of probiotics from a tempting suggestion to a promising treatment modality in neurogastroenterological disorders more accurate differentiation of the efficacy-proven strains, clarification of dose, duration, and outcome and a careful selection of the target patients are still necessary.

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