
We unify several seemingly different graph and digraph classes under one umbrella. These classes are all, broadly speaking, different generalizations of interval graphs, and include, in addition to interval graphs, adjusted interval digraphs, complements of threshold tolerance graphs (known as co-TT graphs), bipartite interval containment graphs, bipartite co-circular arc graphs, and two-directional orthogonal ray bigraphs. (The last three classes coincide, but have been investigated in different contexts.) We show that all of the above classes are united by a common ordering characterization, the existence of a min ordering. However, because the presence or absence of reflexive relationships (loops) affects whether a graph or digraph has a min ordering, to obtain this result, we must define the graphs and digraphs to have those loops that are implied by their definitions. These have been largely ignored in previous work. We propose a common generalization of all these graph and digraph classes, namely signed-interval digraphs, characterized by the existence of a compact representation, a signed-interval model, which is a generalization of known representations of the graph classes. We show that the signed-interval digraphs are precisely those digraphs that are characterized by the existence of a min ordering when the loops implied by the model are considered part of the graph. We also offer an alternative geometric characterization of these digraphs. We show that co-TT graphs are the symmetric signed-interval digraphs, the adjusted interval digraphs are the reflexive signed-interval digraphs, and the interval graphs are the intersection of these two classes, namely, the reflexive and symmetric signed-interval digraphs. Similar results hold for bipartite interval containment graphs, bipartite co-circular arc graphs, and two-directional orthogonal ray bigraphs.

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