
The meaning of ‘representation’ is the definition or description of a person or a thing in a special way. So this concept is important to be visible/sensible/arguable of thoughts. This 'visibility' situation also causes a close relationship between architecture and representation. Because architecture is more concerned with the visibility of thoughts. Therefore, there are many architectural representation techniques and tools such as plan, section, elevation and physical model, model in order to 'visualize' architectural design thinking. Each of these tools has own language and a potential. Within this study, an evaluation will be made on one of these tools through 'physical model’. So the basic question that constitutes the starting point of the study is as follows: ‘How can we talk about the physical model which is the place of being and progressing of design thinking?’ In order to discuss this question, the architectural design studios, which are frequently used for the physical model, have been determined as the study area. It was made interviews with students, who share same studio at level 3, about their design process. At last of these interviews, an assessment was made on the potential of the physical model in the design process.

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