
Apart from scores of freestanding buildings and those that filled in gaps in a street wall, Belgrade's architecture of a more recent period is marked by corner buildings overlooking street intersections, squares, parks and thoroughfares. Unlike the less conspicuous buildings fitted into the continuous frontage of city blocks, corner buildings are structurally more elaborate and communicatively more assertive components of the city's building stock. One of the lesser-studied corner buildings in the central zone of Belgrade is the Palace of Miloš Savčić at the corner of Kralja Milana and Andrićev Venac streets (former Dobrinjska) built in 1924-26 to a design by the renowned Serbian engineer Miloš Savčić (1865-1941) and the prolific Russian-born architect Evgenii Gulin (1875-?). It deserves attention not only by its location in the cityscape and spatial organisation but also as a representative example of the architecture of academicism.


  • Apart from scores of freestanding buildings and those that filled in gaps in a street wall, Belgrade’s architecture of a more recent period is marked by corner buildings overlooking street intersections, squares, parks and thoroughfares

  • У корпусу међуратних београдских угловница са обухватније заобљеним прочељима у академском и националном стилу, као габаритно највеће и визуелно доминантне издвојиле су се палате Јадранско-подунавске банке, Прашке кредитне банке, Француско-српске банке, Министарства шума и рудника, пољопривреде и вода, Министарства финансија, Министарства пошта, телеграфа и телефона, Југословенске банке, кућа Милана Секулића, Аграрне банке, Пензионог фонда народне банке и задужбина Симе Игуманова.[48]

  • Its complex decorative programme sets it apart as a representative of the earliest phase of Europocentric academicism, which, despite its global outdatedness, was a dominant style in the capital in the 1920s

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Apart from scores of freestanding buildings and those that filled in gaps in a street wall, Belgrade’s architecture of a more recent period is marked by corner buildings overlooking street intersections, squares, parks and thoroughfares. Компонован из три неједнака сегмента – најобухватнијег окренутог Андрићевом венцу и палати Новог двора, ужег угаоног завршеног декоративном атиком и бочне облоге у Улици краља Милана, осмислио је Евгеније Гулин, један од најпродуктивнијих руских грађевинских инжењера у емиграцији.[20]

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