
Millimeter wave transmittance measurements have been successfully performed on commercial samples of micro- and nano-sized particles of BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19 hexaferrite powders and nano-sized particles of BaFeO2 and SrFeO2 powders. Broadband millimeter wave transmittance measurements have been performed using free space quasi-optical spectrometer, equipped with a set of high power backward wave oscillators covering the frequency range of 30 – 120 GHz. Real and imaginary parts of dielectric permittivity for both types of micro- and nanoferrites have been calculated using analysis of recorded high precision transmittance spectra. Frequency dependences of magnetic permeability of ferrite powders, as well as saturation magnetization and anisotropy field have been determined based on Schlöemann’s theory for partially magnetized ferrites. Micro- and nano-sized ferrite powders have been further investigated by DC magnetization to assess magnetic behavior and compare with millimeter wave data. Consistency of saturation magnetization determined independently by both millimeter wave absorption and DC magnetization have been found for all ferrite powders. These materials seem to be quite promising as tunable millimeter wave absorbers and filters, based on their size-dependent absorption.


  • Ferrites and garnets are mostly ferromagnetic oxides with dielectric and magnetic properties that are useful and important for microwave and millimeter wave (MMW) applications.[1]

  • This paper examines the complex permittivity and permeability of micro- and nano-sized powdered barium and strontium hexaferrites and nano-sized particles of BaFeO2 and SrFeO2 powders in a broadband MMW frequency range from 30 to 120 GHz, encompassing the ferromagnetic resonance aAuthor to whom correspondence should be addressed

  • Micro- and nano-powdered barium (BaFe12O19) and strontium (BaFe12O19) hexaferrite materials as well as nano-sized barium (BaFeO3) and strontium (SrFeO3) iron oxide powders have been investigated in the millimeter wave range

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Micro- and nano-sized ferrite powders have been investigated by DC magnetization at room temperature to assess magnetic behavior and compared with millimeter wave absorption, based on magneto-optical approach

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Measurements technique
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