
In-plane surface Ka-band microwave impedance of optimally doped single crystals of the Fe-based superconductor Ba(Fe0.926Co0.074)2As2 (Tc = 22.8 K) was measured. Sensitive sapphire disk quasi-optical resonator with high-Tc cuprate conducting endplates was developed specially for Fe-pnictide superconductors. It allowed finding temperature variation of London penetration depth in a form of power law, namely Δλ(T) ∼ Tn with n = 2.8 from low temperatures up to at least 0.6Tc consisted with radio-frequency measurements. This exponent points towards nodeless state with pairbreaking scattering, which can support one of the extended s-pairing symmetries. The dependence λ(T) at low temperatures is well described by one superconducting small-gap (Δ≅0.75 in kTc units, where k is Boltzmann coefficient) exponential dependence.

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