
The skin depth in superconducting aluminum is calculated from the measured frequency dependence of the surface resistance through the Kronig-Kramers integral transforms. At absolute zero, it is found that the skin depth $\ensuremath{\delta}$ is independent of frequency at low frequencies but begins to increase at higher frequencies. The maximum rate of increase of $\ensuremath{\delta}$ occurs when the photon energy equals the gap energy, $h\ensuremath{\nu}=3.2k{T}_{c}={\mathcal{E}}_{g}$; at this point $\frac{\ensuremath{\delta}(h\ensuremath{\nu}={\mathcal{E}}_{g})}{\ensuremath{\delta}(h\ensuremath{\nu}=0)}\ensuremath{\approx}1.12$. The maximum value of $\ensuremath{\delta}$ occurs at $h\ensuremath{\nu}\ensuremath{\approx}4k{T}_{c}$. The superconducting penetration depth $\ensuremath{\lambda}$ [i.e., $\ensuremath{\delta}(h\ensuremath{\nu}=0)$] is found to vary approximately as $\ensuremath{\lambda}(t)=\ensuremath{\lambda}(0){(1\ensuremath{-}{t}^{4})}^{\ensuremath{-}\frac{1}{2}}$, with $\ensuremath{\lambda}(0)=5.15\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}6}$ cm and $t\ensuremath{\equiv}\frac{T}{{T}_{c}}$. The effects of changes in the skin depth have been eliminated from the determination of the energy gap by calculation of the real part of the complex conductivity, ${\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{r}$. The energy gap values deduced from the behavior of ${\ensuremath{\sigma}}_{r}$ differ only slightly from the results obtained directly from the surface resistance measurements.

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