
The GGD27 complex includes the HH 80-81-80N system, which is one of the most powerful molecular outflows associated with a high mass star-forming region observed up to now. This outflow is powered by the star associated with the source IRAS 18162-2048. Here we report the detection of continuum emission at sub-arcsec/arcsec resolution with the Submillimeter Array at 1.36mm and 456microns, respectively. We detected dust emission arising from two compact cores, MM1 and MM2, separated by about 7" (~12000AU in projected distance). MM1 spatially coincides with the powerful thermal radio continuum jet that powers the very extended molecular outflow, while MM2 is associated with the protostar that drives the compact molecular outflow recently found in this region. High angular resolution obervations at 1.36mm show that MM1 is unresolved and that MM2 splits into two subcomponents separated by ~1". The mass of MM1 is about 4Msun and it has a size of <300AU. This is consistent with MM1 being associated with a massive and dense (n(H2)>10^9cm-3) circumstellar dusty disk surrounding a high-mass protostar, which has not developed yet a compact HII region. On the other hand, the masses of the two separate components of MM2 are about 2Msun each. One of these components is a compact core with an intermediate-mass young protostar inside and the other component is probably a pre-stellar core. MM1 is the brigthest source at 1.36mm, while MM2 dominates the emission at 456microns. These are the only (sub)millimeter sources detected in the SMA observations. Hence, it seems that both sources may contribute significantly to the bolometric luminosity of the region. Finally, we argue that the characteristics of these two sources indicate that MM2 is probably in an earlier evolutionary stage than MM1.

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