
Bu calisma; Anadolu Turk halkinin, 1918-1922 yillari arasinda, ozgur ve bagimsiz yasamak icin; kendisine yonelik cok degisken tehdide karsi yapmis oldugu Milli Mucadele’nin halkla iliskiler destegini ortaya koymaktadir. Incelenen donemde halka iliskilerin, cok yonlu ve amacli yontemlerin izlenmesiyle, cesitli otoriteler tarafindan uygulandigi gorulmustur. Osmanli Hukumetleri, Itilaf Devletleri, Yerel-Bolgesel Kongreler ve Ulusal-Merkezi Yonetim gibi otorite merkezleri, zor kullanmaktan inandirmaya kadar muhtelif yontemlere basvurmak suretiyle; Turk halkinin ikna edilmesine ve kendi yanlarinda yer almasina calismislardir. Soz konusu uygulamalar halkla iliskiler esaslari ile iliskilendirilmistir.Bu donemdeki halkla iliskiler faaliyetlerinin stratejik plani olan, 22 Haziran 1919’da yayinlanan Amasya Tamimi’nin birinci maddesinde ―Milletin istiklalini, yine milletin azim ve karari kurtaracaktir‖ denmek suretiyle, mucadelenin halk iradesine dayanmasi gerektigi acikca belirtilmistir. Aslinda Havza ve Amasya Genelgeleri ile basta Erzurum ve Sivas Kongreleri olmak uzere diger kongreler, konferans ve toplantilar, mitingler, halkla iliskilerin Milli Mucadele Donemi’ndeki tipik hareketleridir. Halkla iliskiler sadece Anadolu eksenli olarak yurutulmemistir. Osmanli Padisahi ve Hukumetleri de, Istanbul zihniyeti diyebilecegimiz bir anlayisi topluma benimsetmek ve mevcut otoriteyi surdurebilmek icin halkla iliskiler faaliyetlerinde bulunmuslardir.AbstractThis study presents the public relations support of the Anatolian Turkish people’s national struggle against the multi-variable threats to itself, between the years 1918-1922, in order to live in independence and freedom. It has been observed that public relations were implemented by various authorities with the application of multi-faceted and multi-purpose methods in the analyzed period. The well-known center of powers sought to convince the Turkish public to take position on their sides, by resorting to several methods from compulsion to persuasion. The so-called applications are connected with the basics of public relations.It has been clearly stated in the first article of Amasya written general order, which was published 22 June 1919 and constituted the strategic plan of public relations activities of this period, as mentioning in ―The independence of nation will be rescued again by the nation‘s courage and decision‖ required that the struggle should be based on public resolution. Indeed, Havza and Amasya notices together with first Erzurum and Sivas Congresses, other congresses, conferences, assemblies, and meetings were typical examples of public relations activities during the National Struggle Period. The public relations were not only implemented on the Anatolian dimension. Ottoman Sultan and Governments also conducted public relations activities in order to maintain the current authority and to give an understanding of the public by adopting Istanbul mentality.

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