
Using an instrumented laboratory high-pressure grinding rolls mill, the grinding force, gap dimension, mass flow rate and net mill power were measured for six coals and a crystalline quartz. A technique was developed to estimate the compressive stress-strain curves for compression of the materials in the mill plus the effects of elastic decompression. To reconcile the mill power and grinding pressure results, it was necessary to allow for the energy recovery on decompression. No clear correlation was obtained between the form of the stress-strain curves or the variation of specific mill power factor with the Hardgrove grindability index (HGI), although coals with the lowest and highest HGIs (i.e., 44 and 106) gave results significantly different from the other coals. Feeds below 140 mesh (105 μm) flowed more rapidly than coarser feeds and would not build up high grinding pressures. This indicated shearing and fluidlike properties rather than compression as a locked bed.

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