
The article presents a brief review of scientific research on the milk productivity of mares of the Yakut breed. One of the most valuable products of horse breeding in Yakutia is the milk of Yakut mares, which is characterized by a high content of milk sugar, rich in vitamin C, which is especially important for the production of koumiss. Milk of mares of the Yakut horse breed is a valuable raw material for processing. A brief review of research has shown that the mares of Bashkir, Kazakh and Kirghiz breeds, which have been milking since ancient times, have a good milk content among the horse breeds of the herd. A Mare of the Yakut horse breed gives an average of 4 – 5 liters per day, and a maximum of 6 – 8 liters of milk. According To M. F. Gabyshev's research, the average daily milk productivity of a Mare reaches 10–12 liters. A thorough study of milk production of mares of the Yakut breed held the T. V. Amosova. She found that for 6 months of lactation, the daily milk yield of mares of the Yakut breed averaged 9.9 liters, during this time they produce from 1124 to 1942 liters, an average of 1750 liters of milk. In studies A. I. Pavlova found that the native type mares of the Yakut breed of horses milk yield is 8.8 l per day and 1592 L. 6 months of lactation and in enlarged type – 9.2 and 1666 l; from MagicScore and 13.3 2393 and l, respectively. It was found that winter milk is inferior to summer milk in terms of protein, ash, phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin C, but it is higher in sugar content and has a high acidity. As a result, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary: 1. conduct breeding work to increase the milk productivity of mares of the Yakut horse breed, 2.develop and test a recipe for starter feed for weanling foals that is similar in composition to their mothers' milk.

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