
Raw, bovine bulk tank milk and milks from selected cows were separated by ultracentrifugation into four major fractions: casein, sloughed membrane material, serum, and milk fat globule membrane. Milk lipoprotein lipase activity was measured by the pH stat method and protein determinations were made by the Lowry procedure for each of the four fractions in order to calculate specific activity (units per milligram of protein). In six farm-cooled bulk milk samples stored ⩽ 24h, casein had a significantly higher milk lipoprotein lipase total activity, 35.66 units/ml of milk, than all of the fractions. Serum had the next highest activity with 11.69 units/ml of milk. Fluff and milk fat globule membrane had activities of .80 and .41 units/ml of milk, respectively. The specific activity of the fluff was 3.3 milk lipoprotein lipase units/mg of protein, which was significantly higher than the casein and serum fractions in pooled milk. Milks from five cows in midlactation were assayed individually for milk lipoprotein lipase activity and protein content immediately after milking and after 12, 24, 48 and 72h of cold (4°C) storage. Fresh warm milk was characterized by the absence of fluff. Casein had the highest mean activity (29.91 units/ml), followed by serum (10.25 units/ml) and milk fat globule membrane (.26 units/ml) in the warm milk from the individual cows. Upon cooling to 4°C, significant increases in enzyme activity in the fluff and milk fat globule membrane fractions were observed at 12h. In the cooled milks, milk lipoprotein lipase units/mg of protein for casein, fluff, and milk fat globule membrane were not significantly different but were significantly higher than the serum fraction. The specific activity of the fluff following cooling and storage of fresh, raw individual cow's milk suggests an association of the enzyme with sloughed membrane material.

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