
Although the effects of cow diet on cheese sensory properties have been well documented, the putative interactions between the biochemical and microbial milk components and their respective roles in the development of the sensory properties of cheeses have yet to be explored in depth. The aim of this study was to evaluate the specific contribution of milk fat composition to the formation of cheese sensory properties. Two creams with different fat compositions were obtained from cows fed either pasture or maize silage. Cheeses were manufactured from the same skim milk (identical chemical and microbial composition) with either the pasture- or maize silage-origin pasteurized cream added. The gross composition and microbial composition of milks did not vary with cream origin. In milks and cheeses, the fatty acid (FA) profiles were modified by the origin of the cream. The concentrations of C18:0 and unsaturated FA such as cis-9 C18:1, trans-11 C18:1, C18:3n-3, total conjugated linoleic acids, and mono- and polyunsaturated FA were higher in milks and cheeses with the pasture-origin cream than in those with the maize-origin cream. In contrast, the maize milks and cheeses had higher concentrations of short- and medium-chain saturated FA, C16:0, and C18:2n-6. The level of lipolysis was 11% in the cheese rind and only 0.30% in the cheese core. The rind of pasture cheeses had a higher concentration of free C18:0 and C18:3n-3 and a lower concentration of free C14:0 and free C16:0 than the rind of maize cheeses. The levels of major microbial groups were similar in pasture and maize cheeses at different stages of ripening. The pasture cheeses had a more elastic and creamier texture, a yellower color, and a thinner rind than the maize cheeses, but the odor and aroma of cheeses were not affected by the origin of the cream, despite a few modifications in the balance of volatile compounds from FA catabolism. Based on these results, we conclude that milk fat composition modulated by cow diet had a direct role in the texture of the cheese but no effect on flavor. The high degree of lipolysis in cheese rind, along with the higher concentration of long-chain unsaturated free FA in pasture cheeses may be responsible for antimicrobial activity, which could explain differences in the appearance of cheese rind.

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