
Abstract:The present article is based on a number of key assumptions as well as a conceptual system of military security, which is anchored in the theoretical system of security studies. Since these two disciplines are relatively young, there is a need to analyze them for the purpose of determining the basic theoretical apparatus in the field of security studies. This article presents an original definition and description of the fundamental nature of security as well as a general description of military security. It includes the vital domain of the subject's own activity leading to the maintenance of the proper level of security. The paper contains original definitions of such basic categories as security, state security and military security. Indeed, much of the content is based on theories used in previous research, but these have served merely as bricks that are used to fill in the already existing theoretical structure. Thus, through a specific redesign, a structure compatible with the basic tenets of security studies has been devised, also taking into account recent results of other sciences that cover military affairs.Keywords: Security, state security, military security.IntroductionDespite a number of profound changes that have taken place in the international situation, a military force is still one of the most important instruments of international policies carried out by states to protect their vital as well as less important interests. Thus, military power has a significant impact on countries' possibility of uninterrupted existence and development, which directly shapes their security.In previous studies on military questions, focus was directed on various aspects of the existence and use of armed forces. Strategic studies paid most attention to general concepts and methods of using military means in achieving policy objectives. Earlier military science, in contrast, understood mainly as the art of war, investigated and sought optimal rational technologies of fighting, methods of application of force that would ensure a higher probability of victory. More recently, security studies have arisen, and it has become apparent that one of the critical areas of security is the military domain. Very quickly, appropriate adaptations have been made and the results of the research done in these fields have been introduced as the body of military security studies. Undoubtedly, an important part of the acquis communautaire can also be the content of the acquis of military security studies, but it is also necessary to introduce and describe the structure derived from the basic assumptions of the general theory of security studies. This forms the inspiration and purpose of the following study.Origin and understanding of securityThe fundamental problem of security studies is its multi-dimensional definition. In terms of research, the lack of a clear definition of security can cause the blurring of the boundaries between science and security-related disciplines. These include international relations, political or military science-each operating with a different conceptual apparatus-and perspective and research methodology. Because of the numerous definitions of security, when focusing on its different aspects, many issues arise for security studies.Security studies-a sub-discipline of international relations-emerged as a scientific discipline after the Second World War. During the course of developments of the Cold War era and later, the field underwent various changes. In Poland, security studies emerged primarily from the now-defunct military science by expanding the field of research far beyond military security.The field of security studies is now located at the intersection of several disciplines, even though the field of international relations seems to dominate its overall perception. The field is based on interdisciplinary research and is characterized by a multiplicity of theoretical and epistemological perspectives, focusing attention mainly on the physical dimension, namely, structural and symbolic force and violence. …

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