
The article is devoted to the history of the planning and making of intervention of USA and South Vietnam into Laos in February-April 1971. The operation was named «Lam Son 719». The invasion group was to destroy the infrastructure of material support of People‟s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) – «Ho Chi Minh Trail». The work is built with the assistance of a memoir – translations memories combatants in Laos, soldiers and commanders of Army of United States America, South Vietnam and Democratic Republic of Vietnam. The materials housed in the monographs of American and Vietnam researchers of the Indochina conflict, 1960–1970-s.In 1971 amid the withdrawal of US troops from Indochina, American administration made a decision to invade Laos. The main target of the intervention was destroying the objects of «Ho Chi Minh Trail» in the southeastern regions of the kingdom. With a success of ARVN in Laos, the PAVNs combat effectiveness is seriously reduced. This operation was critical test of Vietnamization. «Lam Son 719» had to demonstrate high combat capability of ARVN. The victory was supposed to strengthen international credibility of USA. In 8 February 1971, Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) invaded into kingdom. The command of PAVN, having guessed the enemy's plan, pulled together large forces in Lower Laos. Supported by U.S. artillery, helicopters, fightersbombers and B-52s, South Vietnamese troops advanced fought heavy battles with the enemy. The author paid attention to some military and political aspects of intervention into Laos. The article deals with the problems of South Vietnamese troops. Special attention is paid by the author to the analysis of the morale and combat effectiveness units of ARVN during invasion into Laos. The author concluded, that the intervention of ARVN and U.S. Army ended in complete failure. The main objectives of the invasion were not achieved.


  • Статья посвящена истории планирования и осуществления интервенции США и Южного Вьетнама в Лаосе в феврале-апреле 1971 г

  • The article is devoted to the history of the planning and making of intervention of USA and South Vietnam into Laos in February-April 1971

  • The invasion group was to destroy the infrastructure of material support of People‟s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) – «Ho Chi Minh Trail»

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Статья посвящена истории планирования и осуществления интервенции США и Южного Вьетнама в Лаосе в феврале-апреле 1971 г. The article is devoted to the history of the planning and making of intervention of USA and South Vietnam into Laos in February-April 1971. Попытки войск интервентов и южновьетнамской правительственной (сайгонской) армии нанести поражение коммунистическому Национальному Фронту освобождения Южного Вьетнама (НФОЮВ) и поддерживавшей его армии Демократической Республики Вьетнам (Вьетнамская Народная Армия, ВНА), Народных Вооруженных Сил Освобождения (НВСО) в 19651968 гг. Он утверждал: «Я понимаю, что эта операция [в Лаосе] может привести к многим проблемам для вас и вооруженных сил Южного Вьетнама ...

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