
This article investigates the concept of military dominance in post-colonial states, with a particular focus on Pakistan. The article evaluates how the military has exerted significant influence over the country's government and governance structures, drawing on past and present analyses of Pakistan's political atmosphere. The article investigates the underlying foundations of military dominance in Pakistan using case studies and historical accounts, including the legacy of colonialism, political & economic instability, and external pressures. According to the article, the military's dominance of the political sphere has had a significant impact on the country's development and stability, as well as its democratic systems. The study also looks at potential approaches to decreasing military influence and increasing civilian oversight of government, such as constitutional reforms, strengthening civil society, and improving electoral processes. Finally, this research aims to contribute to a broader understanding of military dominance in post-colonial states, as well as the challenges that countries trying to seek to transform to strong democratic government face.

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