
The current article is a summary of the conference held during the “Milipol Asia Pacific – The Region’s Leading International Event for Homeland Security” taking place between 2–4 April 2019 in Singapore. The conference themed “A Collaborative Response to Criminal Innovation” aimed to bring focus on the immediate and future challenges faced by government security forces from organised crime to regional terrorism in the South East Asian region, as well as to map out existing good practices regarding a collaborative approach in tackling these fast-evolving criminal structures. The presentations included topics such as the growing drug trafficking in the region, the threat posed by militant Islamism and jihadism, returning foreign fighters, information security and information warfare and the use of ethical hackers. Hungary and the National University for Public Service was represented through Hanga Horvath-Santha, third year PhD student at the Doctoral School of the Faculty for Military Sciences and Officer Training.


  • The current article is a summary of the conference held during the “Milipol Asia Pacific – The Region’s Leading International Event for Homeland Security” taking place between 2–4 April 2019 in Singapore

  • The conference themed “A Collaborative Response to Criminal Innovation” aimed to bring focus on the immediate and future challenges faced by government security forces from organised crime to regional terrorism in the South East Asian region, as well as to map out existing good practices regarding a collaborative approach in tackling these fast-evolving criminal structures

  • The presentations included topics such as the growing drug trafficking in the region, the threat posed by militant Islamism and jihadism, returning foreign fighters, information security and information warfare and the use of ethical hackers

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Roman Quadvlieg, az ausztrál vám- és határőrség volt igazgatója, a kalifátus utáni globális fenyegetésről értekezett, LeAnne McCusker, ausztrál szuperintendáns a 2014 decemberében történt sydney-i­túszdrámáról tartotta előadását, míg Zohar Dromi, az ausztrál Shield nevű biztonsági cég tulajdonosa mind a dzsihádista, mind pedig a neonáci fenyegetéssel kapcsolatos ismereteiről számolt be. A harcosok közül sokan adták fel magukat, de jelentős volt azok száma is, akik elmenekültek. 2015 decemberében egy radikális iszlamista fegyveres (az iráni származású Man Monis, muszlim prédikátor, aki menedékjogot kapott Ausztráliában) több tíz embert ejtett túszul egy Sydney központjában (Martin Place) fekvő kávézóban. Az ISIS által ihletett Man Monis mintegy 17 órán keresztül tartotta túszul a kávézóban tartózkodó embereket, követelve tőlük, hogy telefonjaikról hívjanak fel különböző ausztrál újságokat és hírcsatornákat, és mondják el a férfi követeléseit. 10 Lister, Tim et al.: ISIS goes global: 143 attacks in 29 countries have killed 2,043, CNN, 2018, https://edition.cnn. com/2015/12/17/world/mapping-isis-attacks-around-the-world/index.html (Letöltve: 2019. 04. 05.)

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