
Acute fever associated with multi-systems illness is a common feature of several infections endemic in South-east Asia, including malaria, dengue, scrub typhus, and leptospirosis. Malaria and dengue infectionmustbe initially excluded inall patientspresented with this syndrome. The lack of sensitive and rapid methods for the laboratory confirmation of a tentative diagnosis has been an important problem. Physician in the tropic should aware thatmalaria, dengue infection, rickettsioses, and leptospirosis are major causes of acute undifferentiated fever. Travelers to endemic areas are also at risk of these infections. Early recognition and appropriate treatment reduce morbidity and mortality. Doxycycline would usually be an appropriate initial antimicrobial treatment for individual with suspected either rickettsioses or leptospirosis. Azithromycin could be considered as an alternative treatment when ever doxycycline allergy is suspected. In this presentation the outline of common causes of acute undifferentiated febrile illness among indigenous population and international travelers returned fromSouth-eastAsia, and themanagement of these patients will be discussed.

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