
The purpose of this article is to show the dynamics of Islam using the history of Islam in the North-East Caucasusas an example. The Islamic tradition has never remained static; it has historically changed in accordance with the requirements of the time and rational expediency. Using the example of the history of Islam in the Caucasus and especially in Dagestan, we can trace the logic of the complex interaction of various factors of history, primarily political, ethnic and religious, which have most influenced the multiple social transformations in this region. The question of the cultural complexity of socio-political and ethno-confessional processes in heterogeneous societies that have experienced numerous influences at various stages of Islamization, starting from the period of early Islam, is connected with the question of the political expediency of disseminating certain ideological and worldview interpretations of the Muslim religion.


  • The purpose of this article is to show the dynamics of Islam using the history of Islam

  • it has historically changed in accordance with the requirements

  • we can trace the logic of the complex interaction of various factors

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Дарбанд) мусульман из Палестины, Сирии и других областей Халифата, превратив его в крупнейший опорный пункт ислама на Кавказе. В 1145 г.) в своем Райхан ал-хака’ик ва-бустан ад-дака’ик пишет, что в каждой из башен самого Баб ал-абваба жил «святой» (ал-аулийа’); один из таких «святых» — Абу-л-Касим ал-Фукка‘и аз-Захид

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