
The paper has two distinct parts. The former dealing with the difinition of the mild winter concept proposed by the autors explaning its contents associated with types of protected cultivation. The later describes the cropping systems that are analysed for various mild winter situations. Mild winter concept is analysed in 3 main components: (a) climate - winter solar radiation, rain distribution and minimum temperature of the coolest month; (b) physiological - craps most suitable to characterize it; (c) aconomics - trade constrains and potential consumers. Results of a world-wide survey of protected and open-field cultivation in countries having mild winter conditions are also presented considering (1) percentage of protected cultivation areas with tomato, sweet pepper, eggplant and non-solanacea crops; (2) percentage of solanacea areas in the open-field, under tunnels, and heated or non-heated greenhouses; (3) cropping cycles in relation with climate; (4) most important climatic limiting factors for out of season crapping; (5) destination of the production; (6) influence of protected cultivation on fruit quality and yield; <7) particular aspects as choise of cultivars, training systems and irrigation.

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