
Many COVID-19 survivors suffer from post-COVID syndrome, which significantly worsens the quality of life. Its presentation is quite diverse, with cognitive disorders being of particular importance. Liver injury due to the direct virus action and the treatment of the new coronavirus infection can persist for a long time during the recovery period and lead to hyperammonemia, which can cause cognitive disorders, including minimal hepatic encephalopathy. To study cognitive disorders in post-COVID syndrome and the possibility of their treatment with L-ornithine-L-aspartate. The study included 30 students from 18 to 24 years old who had COVID-19 and decreased attention, memory impairment, and other cognitive disorders inherent in hepatic encephalopathy of latent (grade 0) or mild (grade 1) severity, without pronounced impairment of intelligence, memory, speech, and learning ability. Hyperammonemia, elevated alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, and ã-glutamyl transpeptidase, signs of hepatic encephalopathy according to psychometric tests, were reported in young people. All patients in the study were treated with L-ornithine-L-aspartate to correct the ammonia blood level and improve signs of hepatic encephalopathy and the general condition. An improvement in the objective findings, liver enzymes, a decrease in ammonia level, and an improvement in testing results for changes in cognitive functions were reported.

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