
Clinicians often miss making the diagnosis of abusive head injury in infants and toddlers who present with mild, non-specific symptoms such as vomiting, fussiness, irritability, trouble sleeping and eating, and seizure. If abusive head injury is missed, the child is likely to go on to experience more severe injury.An extensive review of the medical literature was done to summarize what is known about missed abusive head injury and about how these injuries can be recognized and appropriately evaluated. The following issues will be addressed: the definition of mild head injury, problems encountered when clinicians evaluated mildly ill young children with non-specific symptoms, the risk of missing the diagnosis of mild abusive head trauma, the risks involved in subjecting infants and young children to radiation and/or sedation required for neuroimaging studies, imaging options for suspected neurotrauma in children, clinical prediction rules for evaluating mild head injury in children, laboratory tests than can be helpful in diagnosing mild abusive head injury, history and physical examination when diagnosing or ruling out mild abusive head injury, social and family factors that could be associated with abusive injuries, and interventions that could improve our recognition of mild abusive head injuries.Relevant literature is described and evaluated. The conclusion is that abusive head trauma remains a difficult diagnosis to identify in mildly symptomatic young children.

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