
To investigate the origins, migrations, and fates of Wnt-1-expressing cells in the murine hindbrain, mice carrying a Wnt-1 enhancer/lacZ transgene were observed from embryonic day (E) 8 through postnatal day 18. The transgene-stained ventricular layer waxed and waned prior to and following migrations from it. Stained cells migrated first external to the hindbrain as neural crest and then within it to form typical populations of the rhombic lip, as well as others not recognized as lip derivatives. Migrations originated in a temporally defined sequence, many from discrete rhombomeres. All moved first radially, then rostrally and/or ventrally, ipsi-, or contralaterally, in the mantle or marginal layers. These movements ultimately formed elements of several nuclei, aligned in four longitudinal bands: dorsal (including the gracile, cuneate, cochlear, and vestibular nuclei, plus cerebellar granular cells), dorsal intermediate (including trigeminal sensory, parvicellular reticular, and deep cerebellar nuclei), ventral intermediate (including lateral and intermediate reticular nuclei), and ventral (including the raphe obscurus and pontine nuclei). Transgene staining often persisted long enough to identify stained cells in their definitive, adult nuclei. However, staining was transient. The strength of the staining, however, was in its ability to reveal origins and migrations in both whole-mounts and sections, in single cell detail. The present results will permit analyses of the effects of genetic manipulations on Wnt-1 lineage cells.

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