
Vigorita, V. 2000. Migration routes from Lombardy, Northern Italy, to Africa, covered by birds ringed during eighteen years of ringing activity in five Pre-alpine Ornithological stations. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 341. Systematic bird ringing in Lombardy, northern Italy, was started in 1977. In total 661 979 birds of 168 species were ringed in the period 1977–1994. The recoveries were 3 660. The ringed species in five Prealpine Ornithological stations wintering and recovered in Africa, during eighteen years were 14: Anthus trivialis, Anthus pmtensis, Motacilla Java, Motacilla alba. Erithacus rubecula. Phoenicum phoenicurus, Turdus merula. Turdus philomelos, Sylvia borin, Sylvia atricapilla, Ficedula hypoleuca, Sturnus vulgaris, Fnngilla coelebs, Carduelis spinus. Accordingly, with ringing and recoveries data in Lombardy and recoveries data in Africa, we can get some more detailed information on migration routes. A better knowledge of migration routes allows the study of correlation among trends of populations and quality- quantity variation of habitats and meteorological dynamics in Afiica. The collection of data is expected to continue with more standardised methods for field research, data storage and their processing. Detailed migration routes, based on analysis of ringing data, are shown.

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