
This study aimed to determine the degree of migration resulting from desertification, to distinguish the relationship between the respondents’ characteristics and features and the degree of migration occurrencein the study area. It also aimedto identify the most important problems facing the respondents from their point of viewbecause of migration.It developed a proposal to reduce the incidence of these problems in the study area. The data werecollected through personal interviews using a questionnaire form prepared for this study. The sample consisted of (278) respondents, selected by simple random method from the village of Jinnah – Kharga Center, the New Valley Governorate. Descriptive statistics, frequencies and ratios were used. Pearson's simple correlation coefficient wasalso used to identify the possible correlation between the degree of migration and the study variables. The most important results indicated the following; more than half of the respondents were from Jinnah village. The overall migration score (54.7%)was high and (25.2%) was medium. The outcomes showed that natural factors were among the most important causes which led to migration from the perspective of the respondents(89.9%), followed by the government administrative factors (84.9%), the social factors (74.9%) then the economic factors (56.1%). The results showed a positive correlation at the level of 0.01 between the degree of migration and the following variables: educational level, number of family members, the level of desertification. The values of the simple correlation coefficient were(0.568-0.208-0.201) respectively. The findings also demonstrated that there was an inverse significant correlation at the level of 0.01 between the degree of migration and satisfaction with services variable. Simple correlation coefficient value was (0.288). There was also a significant positive correlation at the level of 0.01 between the degree of migration and the following variables: gender, marital status, employment status and family type. The values of the simple correlation coefficient were(0.240 - 0.556 - 0.615 - 0.560) respectively. Migration ledto many problems from the viewpoint of the sample. The most important problems related to nature, such as; spread of insects and mosquitoes, the spread of Cerastes cerastes (ṭ orisha) in the area, the spread of termites at homes, numerous sand movement and encroachment, finally yet importantly the spread of palm dust. There were also problemsrelated to government administrative such;lack of services, the increase of electricity cost regarding water wells, the growth of unemployment rates, the absence of wells pipes maintenance and the difficulty of building due to sewage. The most important suggestion to overcome these problems was the necessity to depend on the local administration. It must comprehend the nature of all problems,try to control them and to provide the required services in the region.It must also eradicate insects and try to raise awareness of the best methods toact in these cases. The local administration mustpay attention to youth and work on providingthem job opportunities.

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