
It is well known that in recent decades the scale of migration processes has been increasing, covering almost all continents. The article attempts to assess migration in Africa in the Sahel and sub-Saharan countries, both legal and illegal, to identify its causes, and to establish the connection between conflicts and their consequences. In addition, the task was set to analyze the main migration routes. The authors studied migration processes in countries such as Burkina Faso, Niger, DR Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, and others. These countries are united by the weakness of state security forces, which are not yet capable of independently solving national security problems. Extremist organizations such as Boko Haram, terrorizing the local population, complicate the situation. The former metropolises cannot solve the security problem either. The novelty of the study lies in the establishment of the relationship between conflicts and migrations. The conclusion is formulated that the problem of migration can be solved only under the condition of the political and economic strengthening of the countries of the region, when external assistance will be directed not to armaments, but to development purposes. An important role in ensuring the security of borders and civilians should belong to internationally supported national security forces. According to the authors, in the near future, while the unstable military-political and economic situation in a number of states continues, migration on the continent will only intensify.

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