
In the burgeoning discourse on the potential of migration to facilitate development in origin communities, the predominant focus is on the role that governments in those origins can play. In destinations, research and policy attention has been directed towards the role of migration in their own economies and on the adaptation and experience of migrants in the destination. However, if each of the triple bottom line dividends of migration are to be achieved it is important to ask the question as to whether policies and practices by destination governments can play a role in facilitating positive development impacts in origin areas. This paper addresses this question, focusing on Australia which is a major destination of permanent and temporary immigrants from the Asia-Pacific region. Contemporary migration and settlement policy and practice in Australia are driven understandably by economic and political self-interest. However, a question which is tentatively being raised is whether it would be possible to include some consideration of the impacts of migration on origin countries. This potential is explored in a number of areas. Firstly, with respect to brain drain effects, Australian immigration is very selective of high-skill groups and a number of potential ways in which this policy can be modified in order to replace the loss of human capital in origin areas are explored. The focus then moves to whether destination countries can target some immigrant recruitment to particular areas, where migration can have the most beneficial effects on origin areas. The coordination of migration and development assistance policies are investigated. The paper then focuses on the role of remittances and whether destination policy can maximise their scale and impacts in origins. This leads into a more extensive consideration of the potential role of Asia-Pacific diaspora in Australia in facilitating development in their origin communities and whether initiatives in Australia can enhance these effects. There is no substitute for good economic development policy, sound governance and improving human development and well-being if the lives of people in low-income countries are to be improved. Migration can never be a substitute. However, migration has the potential to play a facilitating and partial role in development. Nevertheless, if this potential is to be fully realised there is a need for a cultural shift in the way in which migration is seen. This applies not only to origin country governments but also in destinations.

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