
The single-channel continuous seismic profiling (CSP) had an important development in the last two decades mainly due to the advent of digital acquisition, storage and basic processing of data as frequency filtering, gain application or stacking. However, there are still a few gaps in relation to the application of procedures that are common in data processing of conventional seismic reflection like deconvolution and migration. One can assign these gaps to the unavailability of these procedures in processing packages dedicated to the data of CSP. This gives rise to a debate in academic and technical environment with respect to the need and possibility of improvement in the interpretation and presentation of data from CSP by incorporating more sophisticated tools in processing flowchart. Thus, this paper aims to the potential of using migration and deconvolution in CSP, presenting data acquired in the harbor of Santos with the use of a boomer and processed by using the package SEISMIC UNIX - SU. The processing showed that it is possible to improve the definition of the reflectors via spiking deconvolution, while with predictive deconvolution multiple reflections were attenuated, preserving the primary events. Furthermore, the implementation of migration algorithms was effective in repositioning the reflectors, and therefore producing seismic sections that represent more closely the geological characteristics of the site.

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