
To examine the impact of migration and assimilation of Turkish Men-who-have-Sex-with-Men (MSM) to Germany, using data from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS-2010), on measures of acculturation including circumcision status, internalized homonegativity (IH), HIV/STI knowledge, sexual orientation, outness, HIV-testing and sexual behaviours. We compared MSM born and residing in Germany and completing the questionnaire in German (n=38,915), MSM whose father or mother were born in Turkey residing in Germany (half Turkish migration background, n=97), MSM with both parents born in Turkey, or born in Turkey themselves (full Turkish migration background, n=262) and men born and residing in Turkey and who completed the questionnaire in Turkish (n=1,717). Data showed that there were significant dose-response curves between level of migration and circumcision, outness, IH and HIV/STI knowledge showing the impact of culture change with decreased circumcision, lower IH, higher HIV/STI knowledge, and increased outness in German MSM as exposure to Germany increased. There were similar significant findings with regard to HIV sexual risk behaviour (unprotected anal intercourse with partners of unknown (or sero-discordant) HIV status).

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