
Improving parent-child interaction from birth through a video feed-back: a randomized controlled study shows that it’s feasible The impact at 6 months of life of a videofeedback technique (Video Interaction Project -VIP) proposed in the context of health asses- sments in children aged 0-6 months from low-income families is studied in a RCT. The half-hour sessions in which the parent-child interaction is recorded are followed by the discussion of the video and the provision of educational material appropriate to the child's development level (book, toy, ...) aimed at improving child and pa- rent interaction. 400 families of two large US cities randomized to intervention (VIP) or to receive usual care were involved. An increase in cognitive skills and parent-child interaction was obser- ved in the intervention arm through three different questionnaires at 6 months of age (quality of words, verbal response to parents, involvement of the parent in the advancement of the child's deve- lopment). This is an interesting study that shows how in primary care it is possible to improve parenting practices and prevent dispa- rities in neuropsychological development in families at high risk of educational poverty.

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