
Purpose: To evaluate midwives' knowledge of Covid 19 and Pregnancy. Materials and methods: This was a knowledge analytical study. Midwives working in delivery units and outpatient clinics were included. The variables were focused on socio-demographic and professional aspects, general information on Covid-19, the clinical and biological manifestations, the prevention of corona virus transmission and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission. Results: Out of 82 respondents, 73 (89.1%) were secondary school graduates, working mainly in Talangai Hospital. The media was the source of information for 78 (95.1%); Covid 19 is a viral infection 78 (95.1%); the route of contamination was respiratory 79 (96.3%) and transplacental 16 (19.5%) of respondents. The clinical signs were: fever 76 (92.7%), cough 77 (93.9%) and dyspnea 77 (93.9%) of the respondents. Biological diagnosis was done by RDT (rapid diagnosis test) 73 (89, 1%), completed by PCR confirmation 43 (52.4%) of the respondents. Prevention methods: hand washing several times a day 72 (87,8%) and alternative by disinfectant gel 75 (91,5%); lifting the fold of the elbow when sneezing or coughing 76 (89%); used handkerchief thrown in the trash 70 (85,4%) of the respondents; out of 3 preventive measures in the labour room, 20 (23,4%) answered correctly, 48 (58,5%) gave only 1 to 2 correct answers and 14 (17%) did not identify any measure. The overall knowledge of midwives on Covid 19 was insufficient 25 (30.5%), average 52 (63.4%), good 5 (6.1%) of the respondents. For the factors that can influence the level of knowledge, there is no link between the level of knowledge and the socio-professional characteristics of the midwives (Chi2 test: P-value ˃ 5%). However, the fact of working at the CHUB could have a slight influence (sensitive P-value close to 95%). Conclusion: There is a need to diversify sources of information for an improvement of knowledge in order to place the midwife at the top of the medical news.

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