
In order to examine the causal relationships between the carbon cycle in a shallow euphotic zone and the environmental changes in a relatively deep disphotic zone at the end-Guadalupian (Middle Permian), isotopic compositions of carbonate carbon (δ13Ccarb) of the Guadalupian–Lopingian (Upper Permian) rocks were analyzed in the Chaotian section in northern Sichuan, South China. By analyzing exceptionally fresh drill core samples, a continuous chemostratigraphic record was newly obtained. The ca. 65m-thick analyzed carbonate rocks at Chaotian comprise three stratigraphic units, i.e., the Limestone Unit of the Guadalupian Maokou Formation, the Mudstone Unit of the Maokou Formation, and the lower part of the Wuchiapingian (Lower Lopingian) Wujiaping Formation, in ascending order. The Limestone Unit of the Maokou Formation is characterized by almost constant δ13Ccarb values of ca. +4‰ followed by an abrupt drop for 7‰ to −3‰ in the topmost part of the unit. In the Mudstone Unit of the Maokou Formation, the δ13Ccarb values are rather constant around +2‰, although distinct three isotopic negative excursions for 3‰ from ca. +2 to −1‰ occurred in the upper part of the unit. In the lower part of the Wujiaping Formation, the δ13Ccarb values monotonously increase for 5‰ from ca. 0 to +5‰. The present data newly demonstrated four isotopic negative excursions in the topmost part of the Maokou Formation in the Capitanian (Late Guadalupian) at Chaotian. It is noteworthy that these negative excursions are in accordance with the emergence of an oxygen-depleted condition on the relatively deep disphotic slope/basin on the basis of litho- and bio-facies characteristics. They suggest multiple upwelling of oxygen-depleted waters with dissolved inorganic carbon of relatively low carbon isotope values along the continental margin, from the deeper disphotic slope/basin to the shallower euphotic shelf, slightly before the end-Guadalupian extinction. Although the negative excursions at Chaotian are apparently correlated with the previously proposed large negative excursion in the middle Capitanian in South China, the age difference according to the biostratigraphic constraints clearly exclude this interpretation. The isotopic negative excursions at Chaotian are unique and no similar isotopic signal in the same period has been reported elsewhere. The multiple upwelling of oxygen-depleted waters onto the euphotic shelf may have represented local phenomena that occurred solely around northwestern South China.

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