
A positive carbon stable isotope excursion of about 3‰ is documented in the topmost lower Frasnian at Padberg, eastern Rhenish Massif, as a muted record of the worldwide early−middle Frasnian isotopic perturbation ( punctata Event; up to 6–8‰ shift in both δ 13 C carb and δ 13 C org elsewhere), comparable with the Appalachian δ 13 C curve. This German isotopic signature occurs in a 12 m thick calciturbidite succession and correlates well with the three-step chemostratigraphic pattern known from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. It is especially clear in the δ 13 C org shifts, whilst δ 13 C carb (and elemental geochemical) proxies are partly biased by post-sedimentary alterations. The New York State, Polish, Nevada and Padberg conodont successions place the onset of the major positive δ 13 C excursion slightly beneath the early–middle Frasnian boundary, with Ancyrodella nodosa (previously Ad. gigas form 1) as the main conodont guide species, and coincident with the Middlesex transgression and spread of cold, nutrient-rich, poorly oxygenated water masses. In the light of geochemical proxies, enhanced primary production and oxygen deficiency occurred evidently in the Rhenish Basin during the punctata Event. Moderate Hg enrichments in the early Middlesex/ punctata Event interval suggest a volcanic signature. However, conclusive data from other regions are required to differentiate between effects of the regionally well-known synsedimenary magmatism and of a possible global volcanic trigger for the biogeochemical perturbation. • The early−middle Frasnian (E-MF) isotopic perturbation is recognized in the topmost Pa. transitans Zone in Rhenish Massif • The onset of the major positive δ 13 C excursion is documented beneath the E-MF boundary, with Ad. nodosa as the conodont guide species • Enhanced primary production and oxygen deficiency occurred during the Middlesex / punctata Event in the Rhenish basin • Volcanic signature detected in the Padberg Formation

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