
A long, continuous core (1155 ft; 352 m) from the Ellenburger Group in Upton County, Texas allowed for a detailed reservoir description of depositional setting, lithofacies, pore networks, and impact of subsequent karst processes on the reservoir geology. This reservoir description furthers the understanding of the origin and characteristics of pore types relevant for waste-water disposal, carbon dioxide storage, and hydrocarbon reservoir quality in the Ellenburger Group. The Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group in West Texas is a thick dolomite sequence that was deposited on a broad shelf over a 16 m.y. Time period in the Tobosa Basin. The shallow-water restricted depositional setting produced carbonate sediments that are dominantly composed of middle-shelf microbial thrombolite boundstones and inner-shelf laminated (stromatolitic) mudstones. Recognizable skeletal grains are rare. The lower two thirds of the cored section in the area of investigation in Upton County, Texas is dominated by microbial thrombolite complexes with associated stromatactis features. Interbeds of oolites and evaporites are associated with the complexes and may represent small-scale fluctuations in relative sea level. Up-section, lithofacies transition into a peritidal complex composed of stromatolites and laminated mudstones, some displaying evaporite nodules. The lithofacies stacking pattern is similar to the regional established stacking pattern where the most open-marine lithofacies are at the base of the stratigraphic section and the most restricted lithofacies are at the top of the stratigraphic section. This consistent stacking pattern suggests a stable structural setting for millions of years where constant environmental conditions existed. Following deposition and subsequent lithification and dolomitization of the Ellenburger Group, the section underwent intense meteoric karsting (epigenic) during Late Middle Ordovician Sauk-Tippecanoe megasequence long-term exposure. The meteoric karsting affected the upper 700 ft (215 m) of the Ellenburger Group. The pore network in the studied core is composed of vuggy (small cavities) pores in the thrombolite lithofacies and crackle and mosaic breccia fracture pores and chaotic breccias interbreccia pores in karst-affected intervals. These pore systems support hydrocarbon production, waste-water disposal, and carbon-dioxide storage.

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