
AbstractNew linguliform microbrachiopods from the Middle Ordovician are described and illustrated. This fauna was recovered from the uppermost beds of the San Juan Formation in two sections of the Central Precordillera (Argentina), which are accurately dated to theLenodus pseudoplanusZone (middle Darriwilian). The fauna consists of the obolidLuthieria diminutan. gen. n. sp., and the acrotretidsEoconulus tucunucoensisn. sp.,Conotreta andinaLavié, Serra, and Feltes,Scaphelasma zharykensisPopov, andNumericoma rowelliHolmer et al. This low-diversity lingulate association displays close similarities with coeval faunas that inhabited the Laurentia, Baltica, and Kazakhstanian regions, in agreement with evidence from other linguliform and rhynchonelliform brachiopods.UUID:http//zoobank.org/fe9acbb0-6654-4462-ba4d-ea2386ae79f6

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