
Middle level teacher educators report their views of online teacher preparation.Online education has been on the rise (Allen & Seaman, 2006, 2008; Nagel, 2009) as universities have sought to expand access to multiple populations, address campus capacity constraints, and capitalize on market opportunities (Eastman & Swift, 2001; Volery & Lord, 2000). Many colleges of education are facing declining enrollments in a poor economy at a time when state funding for higher education is being cut dramatically (Stratford, 2009), making online teacher education an attractive way to serve more students while lowering instructional costs (Neely & Tucker, 2010). It is difficult for traditional programs to compete with the conveniences online education offers students who can take classes in their pajamas, work around their busy work or family schedules, and avoid the hassles and costs of commuting or living on campus.Middle level education literature has long called for teacher preparation programs specifically aimed at meeting the unique needs of young adolescent learners (Alexander & McEwin, 1988; Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, 1989; Douglas, 1920; Elliot, 1949; Floyd, 1932; George & McEwin, 1978; Scales & McEwin, 1994; Swaim & Stefanich, 1996; Van Til, Vars, & Lounsbury 1961). While online teacher education may be one way to reach more potential teachers in a cost effective, convenient, and engaging manner, a closer examination of online middle level teacher preparation coursework is warranted to ensure that it prepares teachers who are properly equipped to reach and teach young adolescents (National Middle School Association [NMSA], 2003).Online middle level teacher preparation surveyHow does an increase in online courses and programs impact teacher preparation, specifically the preparation of middle grades teachers who need to learn to become student-centered, developmentally responsive practitioners? What do the experts in middle level teacher preparation have to say about the effectiveness of online middle level teacher education? Several colleges of education have begun to implement online coursework in middle level teacher education, and faculty who have experience with courses taught completely or partially online may be able to provide insight into the potential impact of this approach. Further, those who have chosen to remain engaged in face-to-face instruction may have concerns or insights that could help us make better informed decisions about online middle level teacher preparation.This article reports findings from a survey of middle level teacher educators to determine their views of online teacher education (Editor's note: See the full survey in the online issue of Middle School Journal). The questions were grounded in the literature about effective middle level education and the important aspects of providing teacher preparation unique to those seeking to teach young adolescent learners. The survey questions were derived from the following research questions:* What types of best practices are participants able to model and use consistently in online environments?* How are relationships and the social aspects of teaching impacted by online instruction?* How does online coursework impact student performance in terms of rigor and teaching for understanding?* What do instructors perceive as the benefits of online teaching? What are their concerns?The survey was distributed to 125 middle level education professors from 38% of all states offering middle level licensure or endorsements. Participants were identified through e-mail lists of professional memberships in middle level teacher preparation associations. Of those invited to participate, 53 completed the survey, resulting in a 42% response rate. Background data were gathered related to the number of years as a middle level teacher educator, experiences with teaching online courses, and the types of courses being taught online within programs (see Figure 1). …

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