
Nannoplankton studies of the Transylvanian Turnu Roșu section, based on the presence of Reticulofenestra umbilicus, R. bisecta, R. lockeri, Helicosphaera compacta and Sphenolithus spiniger refer to Bartonian (middle Eocene) age. Th e brachiopod assemblage of Turnu Roșu contains four species. Th e assemblage is dominated by Gryphus kickxii, one of the most common brachiopod species of the European Eocene. Th e other three taxa are very rare (1–1 specimen). Terebratulina tenuistriata is also widespread in the Tethyan Eocene, while the genus Megerlia everywhere belongs to the very rare elements in the Paleogene. Th e fourth taxon is an unidentifi able fragmentary terebratulide which is clearly diff erent from the previously mentioned three taxa. Th e Bartonian Megerlia sp. specimen is the oldest known fossil record of the genus Megerlia and the family Kraussinidae. With 41 figures.

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