
The Fossil Brook Member of the upper Chamberlain's Brook Formation is a thin (up to 14 m) but distinctive, unconformity-bound depositional sequence recognizable from Rhode Island to eastern Newfoundland in Avalonian North America. Its diverse trilobite fauna was first described more than century ago from the limestone-rich facies of the member in southern New Brunswick. However, the systematics, stratigraphic context, and biostratigraphic significance of these trilobites have remained poorly known. A revision of the conocoryphid and paradoxidid trilobites has been completed, and the taxa set into their stratigraphic context within the middle Middle Cambrian. The faunas of the Fossil Brook are assigned to theEccaparadoxides eteminicusZone of Avalon. Although biogeographic barriers between Avalon and Gondwana remained strong in the Middle Cambrian and few shared trilobite species are present, a generalized correlation of theE. eteminicusZone into Gondwana is with theBadulesia teneraZone of the Toushamian Stage in Morocco and theBadulesiaZone of the Caesaraugustian Stage in Spain.

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