
The vesicle size distribution (VSD) and rare gas abundances in popping rocks from 14°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge provide constraints on the behavior of volatiles during ridge crest volcanism. These popping rocks, which contain 16–18 volume percent vesicles, are rare mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) magmas which appear to have retained much of their volatile inventory. The logarithm of vesicle population density displays the same linear correlation with decreasing size in two of the samples studied. This implies that continuous and simultaneous nucleation and bubble growth have occurred during magma ascent, with no significant perturbations due to accumulation, coalescence or loss of bubbles. In contrast, most MORB magmas display low vesicularities and we suggest that they have suffered some degree of pre-eruptive vesicle loss. We tentatively propose that large vesicles are produced by coalescence when MORB melt is at rest in chambers and conduits, and may be lost during early gas-rich episodes. Most MORB would represent residual liquids which erupt after vesicle loss has occurred, whereas popping rocks would represent a rare case where physical sorting of vesicles from melt did not occur, because storage in a magma chamber did not occur. The rare gas concentrations in the studied popping rocks are the highest yet measured in glassy ridge basalts ([He] > 50 μccSTP/g). The rare gas abundance pattern of these popping rocks probably resembles the pattern for non-vesiculated MORB magma and potentially reflects that of the depleted mantle source. This pattern is similar to the “mean MORB” pattern (computed from MORB glasses with 40Ar/ 36Ar > 10,000) although a higher enrichment in He (and possibly Ne) compared to the heavier rare gases is observed in MORB. The overall similarity in abundance patterns for MORB and popping rocks indicates that vesiculation and vesicle loss do not fractionate the Ar Kr Xe relative abundances from those in non-vesiculated magma, and that the modern flux ratios of these gases at ridges are similar to their elemental ratios in the depleted mantle. The degassing flux of He at ridge crests estimated from the MORB He deficit relative to popping rocks is comparable to the flux derived from the 3He budget for the abyssal ocean. This suggests that degassing at ridges may be strongly influenced by the dynamics and style of submarine volcanism.

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