
SummaryThe aim of this study was to investigate the impact of two convection–microwave heating (M100 and M30) on texture and colour properties, cooking yield and thermal shrinkage of bovine product (gluteus medius muscle) as compared with conventional roasting at constant temperature (P180 and P80) and roasting with ΔT program (Δ80 and Δ40). The product processed by the M100 method was characterised by high shear force (WBSF) and high compression force (TPA). The reduction of microwave intensity to 30% (roasting M30) could improve the tenderness of final product. In addition, microwave heating at the intensity of 30% shortened the roasting time, and the produced sample exhibited comparable process loss and heat shrinkage extent compared to those treated by the high‐temperature conventional roasting method (P180). The study indicated that combining of convection and low‐intensity microwave heating could be successfully used in catering business for beef roasting due to the shorter cooking time, reduced cooking loss and higher tenderness of meat.

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