
The CCl radical was generated by a dc glow discharge in CCl 4, and rotational transitions of C 35Cl in both 2 Π 1 2 and 2 Π 3 2 were observed in the mm-wave region by using a source modulation microwave spectrometer. From an analysis of the observed spectra the magnetic and electric quadrupole hyperfine coupling constants of the 35Cl nucleus were determined precisely. The Λ-doubling constant p 0 was determined to be positive, indicating that unknown 2Σ − excited electronic states are making dominant contributions to the Λ doubling in the ground state. The previous diode-laser result [ J. Mol. Spectrosc. 85, 416–426 (1981)] was reanalyzed by using improved wavelength standards and by fixing the ground-state parameters to the present microwave values including the B 0 rotational constant 20 797.1725(38) MHz. The vibration-rotation constant α B and the equilibrium bond length r e were thus determined to be 0.006 768 2(48) cm −1 and 1.645 218(16) Å, respectively, with 2.5 times standard deviations in parentheses. The spin density on the chlorine atom was estimated to be about 0.20 from the observed hyperfine coupling constants.

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