
We study the ability of three-frequency, arcminute-resolution microwave measurements to detect galaxy clusters via their Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) distortion of the microwave background. For this purpose, we have constructed large-area simulations of the microwave sky, and we have made them publicly available to further investigations into optimal data reduction techniques for upcoming SZ cluster surveys. In these sky simulations, galaxy clusters are modeled using N-body simulated dark matter halos plus a gas prescription for the intracluster medium that allows the small scale cluster physics such as star formation and feedback to be realistically incorporated. We also model the primary microwave background, radio and infrared point sources, galactic dust emission, and the SZ flux including kinetic and relativistic contributions. We make use of these simulations to study the cluster scaling relation between integrated SZ flux and cluster mass and find our clusters fit a power-law well, with a power-law index that is steeper than that for self-similar cluster models. Some evolution of the power-law index and normalization with redshift is also observed. These simulations are also used to study cluster detection for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). Using a multi-frequency Wiener filter to separate clusters from other microwave components, we find that ACT alone can recover a cluster sample that is ~90% complete above 3*10^{14} M_sun and ~85% pure.

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