
Over 200 microwave transitions involving 31 rotational levels in the X̃ 2B1 state%of NH2 have been observed using microwave optical double resonance. The majorityh of the observed lines are magnet magnetic dipole allowed transitions between the two spin components of a given rotational state, J=N−1/2←N+1/2, Nkakc The observed lines have been analyzed to yield accurate values for the spin rotation (including those describing the effects of centrifugal distortion), 14N hyperfine and 1H hyperfine constants. The three spin rotation constants are determnied to be As=−9267.8 (1.4), Bs=−1353.9 (0.5), and Cs=12.0(0.3), where all constants are in MHz and the quoted error in parentheses is three standard deviations. The five centrifugal distortion constants for the spin rotation interaction derived are (in a notation analogous to Watson’s rotational centrifugal distortion constants) ΔsN=−0.312(0.007), ΔSk=−33.9 (0.6), ΔSNK=3.51(0.11), δsN=−0.155 (0.004), and δsK=−0.480 (0.077). The 14N hyperfine constants determined in this analysis are (O)I=28.2 (0.4), (aa)I=−42.8 (1.3), (bb)I=−44.7(1.0), and (cc)I=87.5 (0.5). The 1H hyperfine constants are (O)I=−67.2(0.4), (aa)I=18.6(1.3), (bb)I =−13.4(0.9), and (cc)I=−5.2(0.6). Quadrupole constants for 14N are also determinable from the data as (aa)Q=0.1 (1.3), (bb)Q =−1.6(1.1), and (cc)Q=1.5(0.6).

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