
The experimental behavior of isotropic ferrimagnetic insulators in second harmonic generation at microwave frequencies has been investigated and compared with the behavior predicted by the equations of motion with Landau-Lifshitz and with Bloch-Bloem-bergen damping. In general, a close agreement between experiment and theory was found. The experiments were carried out with small samples of single-crystal manganese ferrite, YIG, and other ferrimagnetic materials. Since harmonic generation results from asymmetries in the precessional orbit, measurements were made with disk-shaped specimens in which the demagnetizing fields create the asymmetry. The technique employed a cavity simultaneously resonant to 8.5 and 17 kMc. Absolute values of field intensities and magnetizations were computed from absolute power measurements. A figure of merit F for a ferrimagnet is defined. In a practical 2ω generator the output power P2ω is expected to vary as the product F2Pi2, where Pi is the input ω power. In comparing materials at ferrimagnetic resonance (FMR), F should vary as χ0″. This was verified experimentally, even at high drive levels. At constant frequency and drive level F should be nearly independent of Hdc. Only slight deviations from this were found at low drive levels.

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