
         The human brain was assumed to be an elliptical electric dipole. Repeated quantitative electroencephalographic measurements over several weeks were completed for a single subject who sat in either a magnetic eastward or magnetic southward direction. The predicted potential difference equivalence for the torque while facing perpendicular (west-to-east) to the northward component of the geomagnetic field (relative to facing south) was 4 μV. The actual measurement was 10 μV. The oscillation frequency around the central equilibrium based upon the summed units of neuronal processes within the cerebral cortices for the moment of inertia was 1 to 2 ms which are the boundaries for the action potential of axons and the latencies for diffusion of neurotransmitters. The calculated additional energy available to each neuron within the human cerebrum during the torque condition was ~10-20 J which is the same order of magnitude as the energy associated with action potentials, resting membrane potentials, and ligand-receptor binding. It is also the basic energy at the level of the neuronal cell membrane that originates from gravitational forces upon a single cell and the local expression of the uniaxial magnetic anisotropic constant for ferritin which occurs in the brain. These results indicate that the more complex electrophysiological functions that are strongly correlated with cognitive and related human properties can be described by basic physics and may respond to specific geomagnetic spatial orientation.

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