
Proceeding from the recent finding that the main components of the Ca++ signal pathway are located in small membrane protrusions on the surface of differentiated cells, called microvilli, a novel concept of cellular Ca++ signaling was developed. The main features of this concept can be summarized as follows: Microvilli are formed on the cell surface of differentiating or resting cells from exocytic membrane domains, growing out from the cell surface by elongation of an internal bundle of actin filaments. The microvillar tip membranes contain all functional important proteins synthesized such as ion channels and transporters for energy-providing substrates and structural components, which are, in rapidly growing undifferentiated cells, distributed over the whole cell surface by lateral diffusion. The microvillar shaft structure, a bundle of actin filaments, forms a dense cytoskeletal matrix tightly covered by the microvillar lipid membrane and represents an effective diffusion barrier separating the microvillar tip compartment (entrance compartment) from the cytoplasm. This diffusion barrier prevents the passage of low molecular components such as Ca++ glucose and other relevant substrates from the entrance compartment into the cytoplasm. The effectiveness of the actin-based diffusion barrier is modulated by various signal pathways and effectors, most importantly, by the actin-depolymerizing/reorganizing activity of the phospholipase C (PLC)-coupled Ca++ signaling. Moreover, the microvillar bundle of actin filaments plays a dual role in Ca++ signaling. It combines the function of a diffusion barrier, preventing Ca++ influx into the resting cell, with that of a high-affinity, ATP-dependent, and IP3-sensitive Ca++ store. Activation of Ca++ signaling via PLC-coupled receptors simultaneously empties Ca++ stores and activates the influx of external Ca++. The presented concept of Ca++ signaling is compatible with all established data on Ca++ signaling. Properties of Ca++ signaling, that could not be reconciled with the basic principles of the current hypothesis, are intrinsic properties of the new concept. Quantal Ca++ release, Ca(++)-induced Ca++ release (CICR), the coupling phenomen between the filling state of the Ca++ store and the activity of the Ca++ influx pathway, as well as the various yet unexplained complex kinetics of Ca++ uptake and release can be explained on a common mechanistic basis.

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