
Abstract The article addresses the issue of protection against discrimination in an artificialised world, shaped by automation, algorithms and artificial intelligence (ai) and interlinked with digitalisation. While traditionally advocacy against discrimination was based mainly on the call for specific anti-discrimination laws coupled with other actions, there is a more recent entry point in the form of personal data protection laws. These can help to safeguard privacy in relation to personal data which adds to protection against discrimination. However, the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression (covering data flows) must be balanced well in the process, and the article refers to recent experiences from various regions. The contribution of different stakeholders is essential. Options include regulation by the State, self-regulation by the business sector, co-regulation between a mix of governmental and business-related cooperation, due diligence measures, technical solutions, consumer-based initiatives, specific attention to vulnerabilities, checks and balances against abuse of power, and demonopolisation.

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