
AbstractGlass‐ceramics from the studied system are able to precipitate a crystalline phase with an anomalous and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Besides the crystalline phase called LEAZit (Low Expansion Alkaline Earth Zinc Silicate), other phases appear within those glass‐ceramics. In order to understand the thermal expansion behavior of the whole material, the phase content has to be known as a function of the composition and the chosen heat treatment. In this paper, a glass with the molar composition 5 BaO · 12 SrO · 35 ZnO · 46.2 SiO2 · 1.5 Sb2O3 · 0.3 Ag is studied using X‐ray tomography. With this method, the phase content can be studied in detail together with the microstructure. An ex‐situ workflow was used to study one and the same sample after different heat treatments, which makes it possible to characterize the structures (crystalline phase, residual matrix, and porosity) inside the sample in a nondestructive way. The size of the different phases was characterized with a strut thickness analysis of the three‐dimensional datasets. The tomographic results are supported by results from X‐ray diffraction as well as scanning electron microscopy in combination with elemental analysis.

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